Summary: For this assignment, I decided to tinker with photoshops automated photo-merge tool. It did all the photoshop editing for me and allowed me to stitched together panoramic photos.
Image Triangle F-stop-5.9 Shutter Speed- 1/15 Iso-3200 Summary: This week I was enlisted as paparazzi for the Senior Grammy night event and took my camera in. This event let me get used to shooting in events with a low-profile, and in a dark setting. In addition I was able to practice timing and learning how to know when to be ready for a shot.
Image Triangle F-Stop-4.0 Shutter Speed - 1/800 Iso - 1600 (AWB) Summary: I'm learning how to get more acquainted with the camera and learning frame up shots using the settings better. The assignment of capturing macro shots basically revolved around finding small things and changing aperture or light balance to accent it.
Original Photoshopped Assignment: I was tasked to retouch an Autoshow car. I needed to add tint, balance the light/darks, remove background clutter, and unsatisfying gleam. For this task I used photoshop's tool and a reference to create an almost identical picture. (reference photoshopped picture below) Summary: I learned how to use photoshops crop, adjustments, layers, navigator, brushes, and stamp tool to edit my photos to desirable standards. All in all the photo was a success and future projects will use these foundational skills.
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